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Current JoyPoll results for 325 entries:

How do you find lost things like keys and AirPods?

I usually don't, and I have to re-order, ... check eBay, maybe you can buy back the stuff you lost! 20 6%
I look and look and look and look, then find them, ... always find them in the last place you look! 60 18%
I'm hoping Apple's new AirTags will solve this problem, ... I'm waiting for Airtag Mini so I can stick one to my AirTags and find them when I lose them. 17 5%
I use a system, like always putting them back in the same place, ... always put them back in the last place you look! 181 55%
I'm finding the results. 47 14%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and Find My Rounding.

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