The JoyPoll was... |
What happened next?
- A fist travelling at high velocity collided with an ornery geeklette cheek.
- The geeklette, continuing to drone on and on and on, rendered the other kid unconscious.
- The other kid's parents arrived, and marvelled how their kid was becoming a bully, just like them.
- The family gave each other a group hug and proceeded to line-up for Star Wars Episode III.
- The geeklette's father turned to the mother and said "Well, you know dear, I'm not surprised in the least that you'd say that, but you have to admit, Anakin is lame."
- The mother and father smiled at the young man, then transformed into balls of light energy and said in a booming voice... "Captain Kirk, perhaps there is hope for your race, we will spare your planet from destruction."
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