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Current JoyPoll results for 1263 entries:

How would you describe iTunes for Windows?
Hell freezing over, ... does Hell freeze faster, like warm water? 123 9%
Microsoft's icy grip thawing out, ... what is that icy grip called... a Microsoft Winter? 145 11%
The end of Mac as we know it, ... iTunes for Windows, another reason to get a DELL. ;) 68 5%
The end of Windows as we know it, ... and the mob chants iLife for Windows! iLife for Windows! 143 11%
The end of CD's as we know it, ... how many mp3's thick is an iPod? 170 13%
Rock'in, ... rock rock, rock'n roll Redmond! 348 27%
I'm gonna P2P these results. 266 21%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and Warning, fatal exception has occurred in module apple.dll.
Previous Joy
After Y2K!

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