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Current JoyPoll results for 452 entries:

Do you find computer crashes more stressful than relationship breakups?
Absolutely, ... hope you had a pre-boot agreement. 31 6%
Absolutely not, ... does this mean you might give your relationship a boot? 187 41%
I've never had a crash, ... wow, first hour on the computer? 18 3%
I've never had a breakup, ... well, they are kinda like a crash. You try to save what you can, hope you don't have to re-format, and curse yourself if you don't have a backup. 73 16%
Tux would never break up with me, ... a penguin is extremely loyal, set it free, and it will come back to you with all kinds of improved code. 88 19%
I love the results. 54 11%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and binary breakups.

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