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Current JoyPoll results for 506 entries:

How do you get around your resolutions?
Little by little, bit by bit, I return to my old habits, ... just do what the rest of us do, return to them all at once. 68 13%
I cross my fingers while making them, ... just so long as you don't cross too many people breaking them. 11 2%
I plead temporary insanity, ... did some of your vices get the best of you? 24 4%
Make them so unreasonable as to be unachievable, ... tell that to Neil Armstrong. 58 11%
Do what I do best... blame others, ... I blame your parents for raising you to do that. 36 7%
I just make a resolution not to take my resolutions so seriously, ... but can you keep that one? 219 43%
I'm resolving to vote more this year. 90 17%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and resolving differences .
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