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October 30, 2007

As October fades... here are your Forum Tidbits!

Veronica crys out HELP! Date tonight, ... littlefish got an iPOD Nano, ... pixel_pusher01 is looking for some Apple display units, ... Grummash claims I can make your working lives happier, ... Snaggy asks Anyone spotted Comet 17P/Holmes yet? and wonders Who is or was "The Greatest American Band"?

Posted by Snaggy at 09:26 AM

October 28, 2007

A few wee bits from our sponsors...

I'd just like to take a moment out and welcome two new advertisers to our Joy of Tech page... Please welcome our latest JoyPixel clients... Tinabi, using four lovely little Minesweeper squares as the graphic: ...

And just joining us this weekend is Sorting Out Science Blog & Podcast!, with the simple but effective graphic: Sorting Out Science Blog & Podcast

Thanks guys! To find out what the heck are JoyPixels, and how they can work for you, see here!

Posted by Snaggy at 05:11 PM

October 26, 2007

Forum Tidbits for Leopard Weekend!

Snaggy wishes you all Happy Leopard Day! , ... MMKK notes A Linux song? *Calling all poets*, ... AnnaMission Must come Clean! , ... Ashitaka went to Amsterdam, ... and Steen asks Please read.

Posted by Snaggy at 07:17 PM

October 25, 2007

Steve Jobs's wife has been Black Shirted!

Laurene JobsOver in the Forums, joliet_jane has discovered Steve Jobs is proliferating black shirts even outside Apple! Check out what his wife Laurene Powell Jobs is wearing over at the California College of the Arts...

OMG, did Steve iClone her or is she the mastermind behind his waredrobe?

Posted by Snaggy at 10:56 AM

October 24, 2007

Wednesday's Tidbits!

Peebs says Hey, this is easier than I thought! Ashitaka went to Amsterdam, ... Jace Raven has news - Good/Bad , ... Steen is Still breathin', ... AnnaMission needs Help on a Costume, ... and be sure to enter our Our 1024 Giveaway!

And in SuperFan Clubhouse Tidbits: SuperFans get to enter the 1024 giveaway for the Supers!

Posted by Snaggy at 12:20 AM

October 23, 2007

"OS X Leopard", 7"x 9" original oil painting by Nitrozac

X marks the spot

Click here to bid on painting.

My latest painting, "OS X Leopard" is all about celebrating the release of Apple's latest OS! Apple fans are eagerly awaiting this new and wonderful operating system. I just love the design of the packaging, I'm a big fan of whirlpool galaxies and starfields, and I thought it would make a gorgeous painting, and I humbly have to admit... I was right! I have a total new appreciation for the "X" in front of the galaxy; those gradients were a challenge to paint. It looks amazing, though.

I'll be painting two more canvases of this subject and this is the smallest of the three. The other two are going to be 11"x14" and 24"x30". I will be posting them up for auction as I finish them, hopefully within the next 10 days, before this auction ends.

Details: "OS X Leopard" is Nitrozac's 32nd paintng of her Painting Blog. It's an oil painting, on 7 x 9 inch stretched canvas. The painting will be dry and ready to ship in about a 2-3 weeks after the auction ends, depending on the drying conditions and such. The back of the painting will contain the title, the date painted, Nitrozac's signature, and a fingerprint for authenticity. Best of luck to all the bidders!

Posted by Nitrozac at 12:10 PM

October 22, 2007

Let slip the Wrath of Walt!

Walt!Over on our good pals at AllthingsDigital, Walt Mossberg has an interesting piece about the state of the cell phone in North America. In Free My iPhone, Walt rants against the current system...

"...it's intolerable that (the USA) has trapped its citizens in a backward, stifling system when it comes to the next great technology platform, the cellphone.

A shortsighted and often just plain stupid federal government has allowed itself to be bullied and fooled by a handful of big wireless phone operators for decades now. And the result has been a mobile phone system that is the direct opposite of the PC model. It severely limits consumer choice, stifles innovation, crushes entrepreneurship, and has made the U.S. the laughingstock of the mobile-technology world, just as the cellphone is morphing into a powerful hand-held computer."

Go Walt Go! This is just the kind of kick in the ass the cellphone industry needs. Let the Revolution begin!

(and just to rant myself... where the heck is the Canadian iPhone!)

Posted by Snaggy at 12:21 PM

Our 1024 giveaway! Featuring Mystery Science Theater!

Mystery Science Theater!OK, back during our 1000th comic giveaway, Peebs cried out for a 1024 giveaway... so who am I to deny her that? So now that we reached Joy of Tech comic # 1024, we must comply!

Why 1024? Well, if you are a geek, you know why. If not, here's a hint.

And what better geeky thing to giveaway than the Mystery Science Theater 3000 Volume 12 DVD box set! Sweet!

How do you enter? Easy! Just post a reply to a Forum thread. And if you are a Superfan, you can enter twice and get twice the chance to win! All the details are here!

Posted by Snaggy at 10:21 AM

October 20, 2007

Three Tidbits from three geek chicks!

fs has a cute one for For Mac Mini Geeks, ... sosumi offers A couple of word games for your enjoyment, ... and Aditu's got some itunes from Starbucks!

Posted by Snaggy at 11:05 AM

October 18, 2007

Tidbits for a rainy day (here on Vancouver Island anyway)

Chesty posts The aftermath of the attack , ... Colonel Panic spreads We're all going to die!, ... Snaggy delivers Another Chinese Toy, ... Ashitaka writes In defense of a great man, ... and dragonman97 attends an Internet Commenter Business Meeting.

And in SuperFan Clubhouse Tidbits: The SuperFans welcome newly superly Solid pixel_pusher01!

Posted by Snaggy at 09:36 AM

October 16, 2007

Help Woz save Macs! (the kitten)

Help Woz help Macs!

Steve Wozniak has partnered with the Humane Society Silicon Valley to help raise awareness about homeless cats! The Co-Founder of Apple Computer introduces a movie trailer depicting the homeless cat crisis in Santa Clara County and urges viewers to take action.

"For all the progress we've made in Silicon Valley developing innovative products that changed the world, we still have a long way to go to help animals," says Wozniak. He urges viewers to support HSSV's efforts to save cats's lives by logging onto hssv.org to order the 30-minute documentary Cats Without a Home, The film attempts to raise public awareness about the homeless cat problem and get people to act, by making a donation to cat shelters, and learning how they can help homeless cats in their neighborhoods.

"There are 125,000 homeless cats in my County alone, but the problem isn't just here, it's occurring nationwide," Wozniak states.

At the end of the trailer, Wozniak is shown holding Max (or is it spelled Macs?), a very cute white kitten. "Macs is one of the lucky ones," Wozniak says. "He's here at the Humane Society Silicon Valley receiving expert medical care and lots of love. Now this homeless kitten can be adopted into a loving home."

Way to go Steve for taking the time out to help these animals!

Posted by Snaggy at 10:55 PM

Save 20 bucks on Leopard!

Save 20 bucks!
Ordering Leopard online? Save money and be our hero by ordering it via our Amazon links! Amazon is selling Leopard for only $109.00... save 20 bucks! And that includes free shipping! We get a wee sliver of that purchase price, which will help us buy our own Leopard! Here's the Amazon.com USA links...
- Mac OS X 10.5, only $109
- Five-user family pack only $189
- and if you are a server geek... Leopard Server 10-user: $499
- or super server geek: Leopard Server Unlimited: $999

Canada and UK links coming soon. Many thanks in advance,


Posted by Snaggy at 05:38 PM

October 15, 2007

Some Forum tidbits for you!

Peebs announces the Nobel Peace Prize goes to Al Gore, ... Sprocket Loves his Modded Desktop, ... Colonel Panic laments USA Cop Killing at Record Levels!, ... Snaggy posts Wrong on so many levels... and don't forget to enter our Planet Terror DVD and Cherry Action Figure Giveaway!

Posted by Snaggy at 07:31 PM

October 12, 2007

The Joy of Geek Culture

megatively awesome!
Phil's Blogging has a megatively awesome post about our comic, The Joy of Tech. (It's neat for us to see what are people's favorite episodes.) Thanks for the very kind words Philipp!

Posted by Snaggy at 10:20 AM

Friday's Fabulous Tiddlies!

The Famous Druid thinks Modern architecture gives him the sh1tz and finds The simple ideas are the best, ... spungo launches Thursday One -- Your Fave YouTube vid, ... Mikebyrne wants to create a Usenet Search Engine, ... Ti does some Random pondering, ... and Callipygous thinks this one is worth at least 1000 Words.

And in SuperFan Clubhouse Tidbits: dragonman *sighs* and Snaggy fires off the SuperFan Planet Terror DVD and Cherry Action Figure Giveaway!

Posted by Snaggy at 12:38 AM

October 11, 2007

A Cherry of a Giveaway!

Oh Cherry baby!
OK zombies, here it is, the ULTIMATE giveaway for Planet Terror fans... the Planet Terror DVD, and a Cherry Action figure! That's right, one lucky fan will win both!

If you haven't seen Planet Terror yet, you are in for a treat. It's an outrageous thrill ride of flesh eating zombies, guns, guts, and babes! Featuring a jaw-dropping, brain-bursting performance by Rose McGowan as go-go girl-turned-machine-gun-leg firing, save-the-world-in-a-leather-skirt-wearing Cherry Darling. What more could you want? Oh I know.. how about an action figure of Cherry!

That's right, we have a highly detailed 7 inch tall action figure of Cherry, with removable machine gun leg! I'm in love, but I'm outta luck, as we are giving her and the DVD to one lucky geek!

All the details are here!

Posted by Snaggy at 11:00 AM

October 09, 2007

"Shiny Apple", 11"x 14" original oil painting by Nitrozac

A new painting!"Shiny Apple", 11"x 14" original oil painting by Nitrozac

Click here to bid on painting.

Hmmm, this could be one of the worst times for me to offer up my latest work, a large oil painting of an Apple logo. Apple Inc. has been acting nasty lately, and many Apple geeks have been losing that glow of love they usually feel for her. But sure, we might be a little sore from the brow-beating we've been suffering from the iPhone price cut and Apple's position on locking up the iPhone, but hey, it's Apple we are talking about here. Apple is like family; you have a spat, and they can drive you crazy, but eventually you get over it, and go back to being a loving family again.

Besides, Leopard is due out any day now, and that is a reason to celebrate. Who knows, maybe Steve Jobs's heart will grow three times bigger, and he will open up the iPhone to 3rd party developers. :-D

This painting is like the family crest of Mac geeks. It's hard to explain, this Apple-love that some people have, but when you love Apple you understand, it's more than just a logo. It symbolizes the struggle and rise of an underdog in a world that is far too often filled with techological shoddiness. It also symbolizes the innovation and excitment that Apple brings to the tech world. Face it, without her, our geeky world would be a lot less interesting. And it also symbolizes more than just some company from Silicon Valley, but the people behind the logo, and the rich history that it has. (Check out folklore.org if you are interested in the amazing stories and incredible characters behind Apple.)

The painting is big, bold, and commanding! If you are a fan of Apple, you need this in your collection, and you are going to love it. It's an iconic work that reminds me a little of the Monolith from 2001... stand in front of the painting and prepare to evolve to the next level!

Of course on another level, it is also emblematic of the corporate culture that has shaped our society and world we live in today. That's partly why the logo is painted with a dark background. The rich, black paint with its lush brush stokes serves as the ideal compliment to the light shading and gradation of the logo and really makes the logo pop out, but if you are so inclined to imagine, it is also representative of the darker side of Apple.

Posted by Nitrozac at 08:52 PM

Your midweek Forum Tidbits!

Snaggy wonders if you are Right or Left brained? and asks Got a Rotten Neighbor?, ... HubmaN exclaims Who needs LARPs when you've got VATSIM?, ... Ashitaka dines a la Das Blindekuh Restaurant, ... and Ti serves the Annual McDonalds Monopoly game statistical analysis.

And in SuperFan Clubhouse Tidbits: dragonman *sighs*

Posted by Snaggy at 10:38 AM

October 08, 2007

Monday's Forum Tidbits!

Aditu wants to know your Lifetime dream and dances up some DDR Goodness!, ... Ashitaka poses a box question and dines out at the Das Blindekuh Restaurant, ... and did you see the Rocket-Powered 21-Foot-Long X-Wing?

Posted by Snaggy at 12:03 AM

October 05, 2007

Friday's Forum Tidbits!

Gamegod seeks A Method of Making Coffee Without Electricity, ... Stereo finds DDR Goodness!, ... garlicguy nominates Another US Presidential candidate selector, ... Ashitaka has a box question, ... and TheMoMan dials in a Bad Citizen of the Airwaves.

And in SuperFan Clubhouse Tidbits: Snaggy asks Any SuperFan in NYC want to meet Brian De Palma?

Posted by Snaggy at 12:55 AM

October 04, 2007

Remembering our friend, "Digital Bill" Douthett

Digital Bill
It's been a year now since our friend and colleague Digital Bill died. Honestly, I think not a day has gone by where I haven't thought of Bill and missed his kindness, words of wisdom, laughter, and his warm heart.

If you didn't know Bill, I hope that as you travel through Life, you will have the opportunity and good fortune to meet people like Bill. He sure made it a wonderful journey.

Mister Marc has posted a marvelous tribute to Bill and his life over on the Wizards of Technology.

Posted by Snaggy at 09:56 AM

October 03, 2007

Apple still gouging Canadians?

Burned by Apple!
A new blog has sprung up to track the strange differences between Apple Canada and Apple USA's pricing. Despite the Canada/U.S. exchange rate now favouring Canada, Apple Canada is still charging Canadians on average 16% more than Americans, with the price for WebObjects an amazing 58% more.

According to RSMAC, the site's writer, for big ticket items like Xserves, and RAIDs, this can amount to thousands of dollars. And since almost everything Apple sells is made in China and shipped from China via Alaska, there seems no excuse but greed for this.

For Canadian geeks like me, this is a big issue, especially when purchasing anything over 100 loonies. Often it's worth the drive to the USA to purchase a big ticket item. RSMAC's site is interesting, although I do wish he would leave off the tax column, as for me, that's a whole different issue. (GST + provincial tax is usually adds up to 14% for most Canadians.)

So what's it like in your country? Do corporations like Apple charge excessively more for no apparent reason? If you are an American, do you even care about this issue? Let us know in the Forums.

Posted by Snaggy at 09:03 AM

Forum Tidbits for Wednesday!

Steen would like everyone's opinions, ... Ashitaka presents Banksy and is puzzelled over a womens death, ... Erbo picked up a Nokia 6126, ... and maximile is excited about The Orange Box.

Posted by Snaggy at 12:45 AM

October 01, 2007

Starting off October with some Tidbitty goodness...

Grummash bears good news for a bear, ... Rhonwyyn wants you to Describe your perfect political party, ... Snaggy suggests you Find your candidate! (for US prez), wonders Has anyone else noticed that Time sped up?, ... and shares One of the best prank calls on a telemarketer.

Posted by Snaggy at 12:00 AM